the start I the casting I the boys I the shoot



Anastassiades commenced work on the script. He visited the Northern Territory several times over a period of five years and with the help of Stephen Johnson spent time with Aboriginal kids from Gove and Yirrkala who would eventually inspire the screenplay. During that time, he gained the confidence of the children and observed many little incidents that eventually found their way into the script. The challenge was to craft a contemporary story that would connect with an audience worldwide and yet reflect the concerns of Yolngu teenagers. "Chris has a great understanding of how to structure a piece so that the audience is quickly taken into a set of circumstances," observed Gordon Glenn. "He establishes the elements that will drive the narrative, yet does so in a way that's imperceptible but very powerful. This is a story about vibrant kids who have a dramatic issue in their life which everyone can understand, not just a worthy film about disadvantaged youth."

The final script was a reflection of Anastassiades' ability to identify the story that needed to be told, combined with Johnson's unique knowledge of the land and the Yolngu people and Edgar's ongoing input and unswerving support and encouragement.

©2000 The Australian Children's Television Foundation