Lirrina (Yuwan)






Lirrina is currently 15 and lives with her family in Yirrkala, a community in North East Arnhem Land. She attends Yirrkala’s Community Education Centre and speaks a number of languages but most fluently Yolngu Matha and English.

Lirrina thoroughly enjoyed working on Yolnga Boy and hopes to become a professional actor or model when she graduates from school. Lirrina loves sport; particularly basketball and AFL. She plays basketball with her mum as often as possible and loves seeing North Melbourne win.

Lirrina loves music and her favourite bands are MaryMary, N’Sync, Sisqo and Alliyah. Her favourite movies are Romeo Must Die and Drive Me Crazy.

Lirrina also loves eating - especially the food that she has hunted. She frequently goes hunting in her grandmother’s homeland of Bawaka for oysters, fish and crab and believes it is important to try and stay healthy by eating great food.

©2000 The Australian Children's Television Foundation